Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I want to talk about this greatness that is known as an Upart. I came across Uparts on YouTube and they change my life. So what is an Upart? An Upart can best be described as a removable sew in. The U describes the shape at the top of the unit. If you ever worn a sew in with leave out at the top, you will realize that it is sewn in a u shape. The area that left out is used to cover the tracks. So with an Upart instead of sewing the hair to braids you will sew it to a cap. There are many different kinds of caps. (Check out my next post for caps breakdown) Some are better than others. My favorite would be the dome cap. It’s durable and pretty much keep its shape. Over time all caps will stretch out. So some may say why go through the trouble of making this Upart. I have taken off and re install my u parts many times.it saves so much time. I don’t have to worry about sitting down for hours on in redoing my hair. When you have a sew in you either have to wash your hair with the weave in or take your whole installation out. With an Upart, you can remove the Upart and treat your natural hair. Anybody that wears virgin hair knows that it can be high maintenance at time. This untreated hair. Just like you hair it needs to be wash and conditioned. So when you have an Upart you could also take it off for that purpose as well. I often take my unit off, wash and condition it and let it air dry. If it will still attach to my head, I would not, I repeat not go out with wet weave. So that mean I will have to blow dry the hair. Upart gives me the opportunity to prolong the life of my hair weave by putting less heat on it; no blow dryer will be needed. Then we have the weft. The poor weft will go through so much if you have to keep sewing or gluing every time you want to re-use the hair. Once on the Upart, its stays put until you want to remove it. A Pro of Upart would be since you are sewing it or gluing it on a cap, most likely you will be doing it on mannequin head. This give the even an amateur the opportunity to create this master piece. When making your Upart, you may run into the complication of running out of hair. That means that your spacing may be too close. You may even have the issue of your cap being tooooo tight or even to small. My suggest would be to try it on and make sure that fits as you are making it. Once you have complete your U formation you just cut out the excess cap and install. With an Upart you can install it with clips, you can sew it down it or I will tell you how I install my Upart in a later blog post. I hope his help you ladies that may be on the fence about trying out the Upart. A common question that you may want to know is: Are Uparts hot? Speaking for myself no. I wore one in the Hot Miami heat and was fine. Until next time, Ms.Esh


Anonymous said...

I need to see this done live.

chocthickness said...

I will try to link a video to this post so that you can see it live.

Anonymous said...

Demonstration please

abednegoullery said...

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