Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So initially I had a post already written and ready to go. Then I look at my notes and I decided that I should stick to my original timeline. That post will be coming so though. My weave wearing is a personal choice. Every woman that wear weave is not a bald headed nor have short hair. I know so many women that wear weave that have long hair. Some people do not wear weave for length. There are a variety of reasons why some people wear weave, some being for: • Volume • Versatility • Convenience • Protective styling and many other reasons. My reasoning behind wearing weave for the most part would be protecting styling. I have really thick hair and it is a lot of work to getting it into a straighten hair style. I love my hair, don’t get me wrong. I love it in its natural state. I whether wear my hair in natural hair styles when I do wear it. There are many different protective styles out there but I just love the looks that I can achieve with weave. It also helps me to avoid heat damage on my own hair. The second reason I choose to wear hair weave would be versatility. I can go from curly to straight. Big voluptuous curls to bone straight hair. I can have waves or a long pony tail. I can change my hair color without damaging my hair. I am the type of person that likes to change my hair a lot. Weave give me that option. The third reason I wear weave is because it is convenient. With wearing your own hair you have to go to the salon to get it done once a week or every other week. Or you spend hours on end doing your own hair. Once your hair is done you have to worry about when you are going to have to do it or get it done again. With weave it seem as though curls last longer, when you curl it. You can sleep on it without wrapping it up it pretty much looks the same. You can put as much heat on it without worrying about it burning out. A lot of time depending on the style I have, I can get up and run a comb or brush through my hair and head out the door. It’s that simple. It takes so much time out of me getting ready. So with all this being said I hope this gives you insight on why I personally wear weave. I know that weave may not be everybody’s thing but maybe this will help somebody. I may help to give you an understanding of why others may wear weave or even why you yourself wear weave. Always remember the choice is yours!!! Ms. Esh


Anonymous said...

When I wear my weave I am my alter ego

chocthickness said...

That's great!!! I'm like that with certain weaves that I wear too.

Unknown said...

What great information. One of my daughter's friends has a human hair weave and of course my daughter asked me for more information on it. And why she would wear one. I think your article is so helpful. Thanks so much for this informative information. I think it's actually pretty neat you can just change your hair that simply!

Anonymous said...

Some of us do have no hair due to medication or chemo. So yes, some of us are bald. Your statement above was very injurious. FYI. Letting people like me aware that there is a much cheaper alternative than the expensive wigs and hats avalable to us.

chocthickness said...

I'm very sorry if I offended you or anyone else. That was not my intention what so ever. I'm happy you did find some useful information. I will be more cautious in the future. Thanks for your feed back.