Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clearance Rack is your Friend!!!

So I know people assume that this blog was only going to be about hair but surprise!!! I like fashion too. I often find that a lot of people refuse to shop on the clearance rack or never took the time to see what the clearance rack has in store. I was one of those people. My thought was that there was no good stuff on the clearance rack. I thought that it was all old ladyish or stuff that no one else would want. Then one day, I stepped into the light. The clearance rack is your Friend!!! Not all clearance racks have crap on them. A lot time stores will put items on the clearance rack because they only have a couple of that item left. Sometime a store will put item on clearance to make room for new arrivals. Have you ever purchase something at regular price and a week later you find that they have put that item on clearance. Doesn’t it just make you mad? That's exactly why I like to shop on a clearance rack. When I first walk into a store I bee line straight to the clearance rack. The reason behind my madness is this: • If you find what you want on clearance then you want be tempted to buy anything at regular price. • If I look at the regular price items, I will be tempted to buy them now, rather than wait until they go on clearance. • It helps me to stay within my budget. • I come out with more items and more bags than you regular item shopping people. LOL!!! A lot of time I even find items that I didn't see at all in the reqular price section. Sometimes if stores have more than one location, they will move items that won't sale at one store to another store. I often find unique pieces that if you had to pay regular price for them you will past them up. These are my "Diamond in the rough items". With an open mind and a little creativity, you can style them into a great outfit. Downfall to shopping on the clearance rack: • You may have entirely too many clothes. • You might encounter some pieces that you love at first but change your mind about them later. • You become addicted to shopping. • You may run out of place to put your clothing. Shopping on the clearance rack also works when shopping online. When shopping online for clearance, I often go to clearance page. Click price low to high and go from there. So I hope this encourage some of you to take a chance and step into the light, the clearance rack light. P.S. As you leaving out the store with all your great clearance buys. This is when you take a look at the regular price clothing. That way you can make a mental note of the items that you can look for to hit the clearance rack. Until next time, MS.Esh


Unknown said...

This is great! I was just in Target the other day and found some great buys on clearance. I normally never shop clearance but with me being in between sizes I wanted done news pieces to add to my wardrobe at an affordable price. Thanks for sharing! I'll be making a beeline for the clearance rack from now on!

Unknown said...

Great post! Online clearance works for me. I find some cute stuff. And at dsw they usually have a great clearance section also.

Anonymous said...

Love it. I learned somethings too and I totally hate when ibbuy something and next week its on sale. Ugg.